Will rising temperatures lead to a rise in violence inside Alabama’s uncooled prisons? https://bit.ly/3AQLx2A New complaint brought in regards of Alabama Mega Prison construction. Case Name:Charest et al v. U.S. Dept of Treasury et alCase Number:2:22-cv-00407 https://bit.ly/3o0SfeP Second lawsuit filed on 7-11-22 by confined citizens of Alabama in regards to Gov. Kay Ivey’s mega prison construction. https://bit.ly/3IC92hJ

R9 Satellite Radio
R9 Radio has been brought to you by people who don't know when to stop. Not only do they not know when to stop, but they forgot where the line that has gone too far is. With ethereal egalitarian ideas that are encompassed by each of the endeavors, they continue to create and guide because it amuses them to do so. It's not about the money. It's about the vision. And the wine...
R9 Radio has been brought to you by people who don't know when to stop. Not only do they not know when to stop, but they forgot where the line that has gone too far is. With ethereal egalitarian ideas that are encompassed by each of the endeavors, they continue to create and guide because it amuses them to do so. It's not about the money. It's about the vision. And the wine...Listen on
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