“For his purposes (and mine), scientific medicine is defined as the set of practices which submit themselves to the ordeal of being tested. Alternative medicine is defined as that set of practices which cannot be tested, refuse to be tested, or consistently fail tests. If a healing technique is demonstrated to have curative properties in properly controlled double-blind trials, it ceases to be alternative. It simply, as Diamond explains, becomes medicine. Conversely, if a technique devised by the President of the Royal College of Physicians consistently fails in double-blind trials, it will cease to be a part of 'orthodox' medicine. Whether it will then become 'alternative' will depend upon whether it is adopted by a sufficiently ambitious quack (there are always sufficiently gullible patients).”

R9 Satellite Radio
R9 Radio has been brought to you by people who don't know when to stop. Not only do they not know when to stop, but they forgot where the line that has gone too far is. With ethereal egalitarian ideas that are encompassed by each of the endeavors, they continue to create and guide because it amuses them to do so. It's not about the money. It's about the vision. And the wine...
R9 Radio has been brought to you by people who don't know when to stop. Not only do they not know when to stop, but they forgot where the line that has gone too far is. With ethereal egalitarian ideas that are encompassed by each of the endeavors, they continue to create and guide because it amuses them to do so. It's not about the money. It's about the vision. And the wine...Listen on
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