Strategic vs. Tactical Thinking in the Military & Beyond
R9 Radio, Interview with, United States Air Force, Major (Ret.) Michael Barnstable
Interview with, United States Air Force, Major (Ret.) Michael Barnstable
Major Barnstable Served 21 years in the USAF with a primary Air Force Specialty Code of Navigator/Bombardier and 14 years as a military contractor at USCENTCOM.
Assignment locations included Mather AFB CA, Castle AFB CA, Anderson AFB Guam, Barksdale AFB LA, Moron AB Spain, Fort Hood TX, and MacDill AFB FL.
His many temporary duty assignments included numerous locations in the Far East, Middle East and Europe.
He performed duties at the Squadron, Wing, Army Division and Combatant Command levels.
The Major has 5000+ hours in the B-52 (G & H models) including Combat time in Operations Desert Storm and Enduring Freedom.
Student Navigator, Navigator, B-52 Navigator, Instructor B-52 Navigator, B-52 Radar Navigator (Bombardier), Instructor Radar Navigator.
Air Liaison Officer (2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Armored Division), Joint Air Operations Officer (USCENTCOM), Command and Control Officer in Charge (USCENTCOM).
Contract staff-Combatting Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Division USCENTCOM, contract staff-USCENTCOM J5 Special Plans Division.
The Major has worked in Conventional Operations, Special Operations (black & white) and a short time in Research & Development.
Major Barnstable held a TOP SECRET (TS) clearance for more than 30 years with a Special Compartmented Information (SCI) caveat for 16 years.
Interviewer: Will
twitter: @f4speedmaster