Trump Supporters: Marriage, Children & Never Ask for Help
The overwhelming Trump-MAGA theme is: Get married, have children, consume goods, pay your bills or go to jail.
As America continues to learn about the Republican Party’s policy initiative, Project 2025, which incorporates the policy wish list of the MAGA leadership, policies that rewind woman’s rights and civil rights, it begs the question; do Trump Supports believe in these same values?
If you answered yes, you’d be right. Not only do MAGA supporters believe in traditional marriage and raising kids, they believe in a “DO or DIE” society. They believe that not only should you get married and have children, you need to work hard and always pay for your own food, shelter and healthcarebecause you’re not going to receive any help, whatsoever. And if you don’t succeed, you could wind up in jail.
Although the U.S. population keepsgrowing every year, Trump Supporters want to see it grow fasterby making us a nation of traditional households. A recent poll by the Pew Research Center shows that 60% of Trump supporters think that America would be better off if we made marriage and children a priority. Add to this the MAGA conservative values plan to reduce or eliminate birth control and the current multiple state abortion bans which they expect willreinforce the desire of Americans to get married and have children. If the nation starts adopting more of the policies of the new Republican Party, the population of the nation will clearly start growing faster than what we are realizing today, putting more strain on the infrastructures that are already strained; driving prices higher and higher as we build for the future.
Americans are already challenged by the skyrocketing rent and food costs, our roadways jammed with cars, water shortages and the demands on the power grid that are forcing us to build new power plants. Therefore, is this the right time to say “get married and have kids”? Trump supporters think so.
NO TO HEALTHCARE SUPPORT: Along with the conservative MAGA support for families with children, these traditional thinkers are against the government assisting us to ensure we have health care coverage; consistent with their belief that less government is better. So how is a family without means going to pay for the childbirth and healthcare of their children? According to a recent survey by MarketWatch, 66% of Americans believe they are living paycheck to paycheck.
Traditionally, the religious in America tend to support the conservative Republican Party. Therefore, it makes sense that Trump supporters believe we should be a nation made up of married couples with children. But, what’s happening in the world of religion today? Is the popularity of religion increasing or decreasing? Recent research by Gallup says that about 75% of Americans today identify with a religion compared to 87% in 1973. About 45% of Americans say religion is important to them compared to 70% in 1965. Clearly, religion is declining across America.
Science is telling us that the earth is overpopulated and we are draining our Mother Earth’s natural resources. Global warming seems to be having its way with our weather. Heat waves across the nation, fires across the West and hurricanes and tornados across the South. Therefore, it makes sense that the households they embrace, those that grow population are declining from 44% in 1960, to 19% in 2017 as reported by the Population Research Center. But, Republicans are` still betting there’s enough support to help them win the election.
NO TO SOCIAL SAFETY NETS:With the large number of Americans living paycheck to paycheck and the growing poverty in America, the conservative belief is that the support provided by social programs causes more harm than good. The argument I’ve always heard is that they become reliant and have no motivation to move off of the support – getting addicted to the social program crack. It seems that need is a motivator but in this time of inflation and the growing cost of living, maybe a little help is warranted.
YES TO A TOUGHER CRIMINAL SYSTEM: And what do we do to ensure that those in need have enough motivation to ensure their needs are met? We should begin by making the criminal system tougher. A huge majority of conservatives believe that the criminal system isn’t tough enough. Between the carrot and the stick, there’s clearly a desire to ensure the motivation to keep these married with children families working hard is by increasing the size of the stick.
It seems the overwhelming Trump-MAGA theme is: Get married, have children, consume goods, pay your bills or go to jail. Therefore, as the election inches closer, the themes of America’s options loom large: Rewind our values and live more like indentured servants who breed more consumers, or move forward, like all other developed Democracies, and create a nation that is more tolerant and patient. Which do you prefer?
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