About: R9 Media
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
‘The Intelligencer’ is a collection of thoughts and informed opinion, mixed with content that is curated from sources who write both exclusively, and non-exclusively, for the newsletter. Our content is rarely found anywhere else and the curated content we provide is from people we read frequently, respect as intellectuals, and sometimes just as irreverent iconoclasts.
We are not afraid to challenge the mainstream narrative or condescend to it when it serves the collective interests of identifying objective truths on complex, and important topics - the areas where no one else will shine a light. It is this type of content and courage you won’t find anywhere else.
We have spent decades reading upwards of fifteen thousand books and innumerable other sources of information. In addition, the people we’ve come to know and speak with over many years would make whomever you know and surround yourself with look like circus clowns.
We find that informed and intelligent discourse is vital. Everything must be up for discussion. And more importantly, we trust my readers to take the facts on their own and draw their own conclusions.
If anything you find here causes you distress, upsets you, or offends you, consult your psychiatrist. Please leave us alone.
Oh, and welcome to The Intelligencer.
Due to the extreme amount of energy and time required to not only acquire our intellectual insight and the tremendous effort required to put this newsletter together, there are no refunds. Read it again above, in large print.
We will fight contested credit card charges after you have access to all of our content with every legal means at our disposal.
We’re autodidacts and have been referred to as polymaths.
At various times in our lives, we’ve been activists, arms-dealers, candidates for public office, controversialists, diplomats, executive producers, financiers, horticulturists, journalists, media representatives, musicians, inventors, philosophers, publishers, revolutionaries, satirists, spokespersons, spies, and writers:
We’ve been interviewed/published/quoted by: 2600 Magazine, Arise Africa, Berlin Reporter, BuzzFeed, Citizen Times, Сфера News, Ed.com, File Magazine, Fox News, Globe and Mail, Goodreads, Hampton Institute, Huffington Post, Institute for Critical Animal Studies, Inverse Magazine, IsraPundit, MOT MAG, North American Animal Liberation Press Office, Newsweek, PeopleLive(Russia), Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, R9 Radio, Russia Today, San Francisco Weekly, Slate, Smoke Trails Magazine, VocalMedia, Vice, Voice of Islam UK, and the Wall Street Journal. Just to name a few.
Media Representative and Spokesperson: Unheard Voices O.T.C.J. - Swift Justice
Media Representative and Spokesperson: North American Animal Liberation Press Office
Jackson - R9 Media, Chief Security Officer
“What we see as death, empty space, or nothingness is only the trough between the crests of this endlessly waving ocean. It is all part of the illusion that there should seem to be something to be gained in the future, and that there is an urgent necessity to go on and on until we get it. Yet just as there is no time but the present, and no one except the all-and-everything, there is never anything to be gained—though the zest of the game is to pretend that there is.”
Alan Watts
In a democracy you have to be a player.
The Intelligencer has been brought to you by people who don't know when to stop. Not only do they not know when to stop, but they forgot where the line that has gone too far is. With ethereal egalitarian ideas that are encompassed by each of the endeavors, they continue to create and guide because it amuses them to do so. It's not about the money. It's about the vision. And the wine...
Join the fun.
We’re not here to make friends.
Let’s go.
You know what you’re doing.
R9 Media is a proud supporter of:
THE ELECTRONIC FRONTIER FOUNDATION. The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world.
Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF). A non-political, non-military organization that provides for wellbeing of the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), veterans and family members. We are the single organization authorized to collect charitable donations on behalf of the IDF across the United States, as designated by Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot, IDF Chief of the General Staff in March 2017 and by Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi, IDF Chief of the General Staff in February 2019 and April 2021.
Unheard Voices O.T.C.J. A voice for those held behind the concrete jungle walls and their loved ones.
Exposing Covert Action Since 1928
North Carolina Sheriff’s Association
R9 Media Climate Action Commitment
At R9 Media, we contribute 1% of our revenue to carbon removal.